Natalia Obregón

Dec 16, 20192 min


Updated: Jul 29, 2020

Hi everybody and welcome to this new space for the latest and greatest topics!

On this first series, we will be talking about the advantages of online counselling. As our first topic, how online counselling can solve the accessibility problems of a regular f2f counselling service.

As a disabled person, this can be quite challenging to overcome and the options to find the closest counsellor to your home dramatically reduce. Also, what about rural areas? The commuting could put off any intention to access the counselling service... Online counselling is the answer to both cases because it is logistically convenient.

Let me discuss a bit further what people with physical disabilities or logistic issues (living in rural areas or small towns) could benefit from online counselling.

Imagine a person going to a session in the centre of London.

They might be from a rural area or use a wheelchair and the closest therapist might be 50miles away!

The burden of going from point A (this person home) to point B (therapist location in central London) is massively inconvenient!

What to do? "Online counselling".

Why? “Logistical Convenience”.

It simply covers the whole spectrum of people’s travel logistic difficulties.

What was once impossible – accessing therapy with our chosen therapist – is now made possible through the medium of the internet and the wonderful platforms available to do so it safely.

Sadly, this simple issue can get in the way of the individual acquiring the much-needed, long-term, sustainable engagement that would give them the therapeutic support that they so desperately require.

This could be anything from an extra 30 minutes of travel after a hard day’s work, to living in the country and possibly having some kind of physical disability, which is why this technology can now really serve as a convenience to the client.

What is best is that the client can also feel more comfortable in their own home.

Accessibility in this post will refer to both people living in rural areas, where the population might be small, and therefore they might not be able to find a therapist nearby.

The town might be so small that the person accessing counselling might be self-conscious of people knowing they’re going to therapy, for whatever reason that might be.

Therapy needs to be a safe space, so if keeping it to themselves helps, then online therapy is a good solution.

The issue of accessibility also applies to people with physical disabilities or difficulties accessing transport to a face-to-face therapist.

Some of us work on a first or second floor, without lifts or accessibility, so clients that need support with their wheelchairs or other support might not be able to reach us unless they do it online.

What an option, to be able to meet with your chosen therapist, through encrypted, secure online platforms like Zoom, VSee and others!

Are you living in a rural area or have a disability that keeps you from accessing therapy freely and comfortably?

Have you considered online therapy?

Book an online session today!

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