Natalia Obregón

Jun 15, 20212 min

Back to the Office After Working Remotely: Opening Pandora’s Box?

After the ease of the restrictions due to the Covid pandemic, multiple workers around the world are being requested to come back to the office. A recent survey showed that only 13% of the employees want to return to the office full time, with many concerned about their safety.

The advantages of working remotely are clear: zero commute time, no need to get ready for work, transport saving, and more flexibility with our daily tasks. There are also some disadvantages of working remotely too: working longer hours, not being able to change scenery, not being able to disconnect from work time, not taking enough breaks and not connecting to colleagues at work.

A combination of the two models, working remotely and at the office could be the winning choice. How to structure our time at home to make it more appealing? By considering the advantages of working at the office and use it as motivation when working from home.

Simultaneously, when working at the office we can appreciate the advantages attached to working from home. Managing your expectations in both the office and home workplace is another point to take into consideration.

While working remotely for such a long period, we have probably developed lots of habits that could not be so beneficial while working at the office. Readjustment of the same is required. However, be realistic and give yourself some time for a healthy adjustment.

By putting a plan in place in time, you could probably avoid the anxiety of how it would be working at the office again after such a long period working remotely. We have enumerated the steps to a successful plan:

  • Set up easy objectives framed by short periods, for example weekly.

  • Review your achievements at the end of each week to see the challenges you faced and potential adjustments to overcome them.

  • Reward yourself with every objective successfully achieved.

  • Be open to review your objectives and maybe readjust them.

Another interesting ingredient to both working environments is exercise and healthy dieting.

By setting up a clear and affordable exercise routine at the beginning of the day, you can motivate yourself to start the day with an optimal level of energy. If you add a healthy breakfast that includes fruits and cereal or grains, then you are ready to go.

Sometimes the changes in our routines could be a perfect opportunity to bin unhealthy habits and practise new ones.

Throughout this pandemic, we have been submitted to a forced resiliency to cope with the constant uncertainty. We should continue to enhance that resiliency by facing the new challenges of the working conditions with a flexible ‘can-do’ attitude. At the end of the day, our reality is not what it is but how we react to it. We need to see difficulties more as a challenge more than a burden. We can learn both how strong we are and how our coping mechanisms work.

Let’s work with what we have instead of dragging ourselves around with what we would like to have. Sometimes, we create more issues around a situation that with a bit of creativity, motivation and drive can make us achieve our goals.

If you are feeling a bit down and out of energy, let us help you regain your confidence again.

Just contact Chat2us online counselling for a free 15-minute consultation.
